Synopsis: Emerald is learning how to be a mermaid princess, but she doesn’t feel like one at all. Will she be able to appear with the King and Queen at the annual Ocean Parade, and still stay true to herself?

Release Date: 7th March 2024

Genres/ Themes: Middle Grade, Mermaids, Parades, Friendship, Family, Traditions, Changes, Fantasy, Under The Sea,

Pages: 160

Review: It’s the mer-parade time but Emerald doesn’t feel much like a princess, but as a royal she must wear a headdress and ride in the royal carriage. She’s ready to quit the whole thing until King Auster gives her a talk and inspiration hits her.

Emerald being an ordinary mermaid turned princess mermaid gets so overwhelmed with all the changes in her life, then when her parade day dreams are changed too she doesn’t know how to feel, or what to do. I loved when she was able to express herself and be exactly who she is, she isn’t the same as the other royals and didn’t want to be.

This was a really cute book, I loved seeing all of Emerald’s best friends from school, they were all really sweet and supportive of her, I liked that the king came around and allowed her to still follow her traditions too, but merge the two worlds together. It’s such a sweet story and a great addition to the Isadora Moon world.

The illustrations were stunning as they always are, I loved the spiked hair on Emerald it’s so funky and adorable. I love looking at the illustrations seeing what’s around in this new world. I love the colour tone with the green and black, it looks so beautiful.

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