Synopsis: From award-winning actress and mental-health advocate Taraji P. Henson, You Can Be a Good Friend (No Matter What!) shows kids the great things that can happen when we approach others and ourselves with empathy, patience, and love.

In this debut picture book from Taraji P. Henson, quirky, stylish and a bit off-the-cuff Lil TJ is ready for her first day of school. But when she gets there, TJ finds that everything she does is a little different than everyone else and she’s standing out in all the wrong ways. Once TJ’s classmate Beau notices, he relentlessly teases her. TJ is filled with anxiety and doubt until she recalls some important words of wisdom from her Grandma Patsy. When she looks inside to her own creativity and personality, she figures out how to help herself make new friends! —and helps someone else too!

Release Date: 18th June 2024

Genres/Themes: Picture Book, Bullying, Friendship, Family, Music, Self-Confidence, Self-Love, Mental Health, Confidence

Pages: 32

Thank you so much to Zonderkidz and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review.

Review: Lil TJ is so excited to be going to school, she is full of confidence and ready to make a million friends, but then she finds a boy starts bullying her and her sparkle disappears, until her grandma reminds her to be herself and to be kind.

This is a gorgeous book it’s perfect for helping with children that are struggling at school, that are being bullied at school, that maybe are about time to start school. It’s got a wonderful way of sharing how to figure things out, a great adult that was there to help her figure out the situation.

I loved little TJ she’s so full of personally and so vibrant, she had her own style and that was exactly who she needed to be, she found the music room to be her favourite thing at the school which was so sweet, and it was the key to figuring everything out that she was struggling with.

This is such a wonderful book about being yourself and finding friendship, it has a helping guide at the end about identifying bullying which is a wonderful things, the storyline itself is a wonderful read with such adorable illustrations and the cutest characters. I really enjoyed this book and love the messages it sends out.

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