Synopsis: When nine-year-old Megan carelessly drops her ice lolly wrapper into the sea, she could never have anticipated what happens next.

Embark on a wild underwater adventure with Megan, Trent the Tough Tornado Tackling Turtle and a host of other sea creature characters, as they learn all about the dangers of plastic pollution and how important it is to look after our oceans, saving sea creatures suffering from littering and pollution along the way.

Release Date: 25th June 2024

Genres/Themes: Middle Grade, Environmental, Pollution, Under The Sea, Trash/Rubbish, Animals, Injuries, Friendship, Littering, Education, Teamwork, Family, Landfills

Pages: 35

Thank you so much to Cranthorpe Millner Publishers and Netgalley for the ebook to read and review. 

Review: Megan and her family are having a fun day out, but Megan keeps littering and annoying her family. Then after her third piece of litter she is transported down into the ocean to see the damage she is causing.

I liked the lesson that this was teaching, sharing how each piece of litter can cause such tremendous damage to the animals all around. I like that Megan got a chance to see everything first hand and be able to mend her ways and help the animals. 

I do wish the book had some illustrations, some of the scenes I would have loved to have seen for real with some beautiful illustrations. I think they would have really added to the story and to the message and lesson this story puts out there. 

The book takes you on a fun adventure, meeting lots of different sea animals and birds, seeing how it effected them, and also the experience that they gave to Megan as she traveled on trying to get out the water. I think it has a good lesson, a cute adventure story and a protagonist who actually learns through her journey. 

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